
Remi & Lucy's Product Picks

May 24, 2012

Meet our munchkins and the rulers of our household! There are many times after we have been watching our dogs play for like 15 minutes that I look at my hubby and say "what did we ever do before dogs?" Dogs definitely have a special place in our hearts and know just how to cheer you up!

Remi AKA "Remi Bear" - a blue-eyed, brown-eyed dapple dachshund
Likes - meal time, licking the fireplace, burrowing under blankets, making noises like an old man, getting his ears scratched, drinking coffee
Dislikes - when his food bowl is empty, changes to his routine, wet grass

Lucy AKA "Da Buce" - a chug (chihuahua-pug mix) with the cutest under bite you ever saw
Likes - giving kisses, begging for bones, chewing on Remi's ears, nap time, walks, getting attention, hunting bugs, being cute
Dislikes - baths, being told no, not getting her way

Best friends
Since it is dog week I thought I would share with you some of our favorite dog products -

1. Martha Stewart - Slow Feeder Dog Bowls - we bought these really for Remi because he can scarf down a bowl of food in less than 5 seconds (no lie!). This tends to slow him down a little bit, but it really slows down Lucy.

2.. Mini Dingo Bones - these are their favorites and Lucy begs for them at least 2x a day. We try to limit them to 1 a day but it gives them something to do when they are hyper at night.

3. Frontgate Personalized Dog Collars - I just ordered these and can't wait to get them in! Lucy tends to always lose her tag so I thought these would add some extra protection! Plus I think they are pretty cute.

4. Furminator Brush - this is for dog's that shed, which Lucy does a lot! It brushes their coats from the inside out and pulls out the hair that causes them to shed so much. You can buy them at a pet store or some vet clinics. They are kind of pricey, but I definitely think they work. You use it only once a week and it doesn't hurt the dog and Lucy will let me brush her about 5x before she has had enough. They have bigger ones for larger dogs.


  1. Lucy sleeping sitting up is the best thing that happened to me today !


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