
Oh Wedding Blogs "I do" love thee

April 7, 2011

When I planned my wedding I was a wedding blog addict. Some of my favorites were OnceWed and Ruffled Blog. I've recently decided... since the fall through of my cake plates selling in a well known new wedding version of a store... that I should advertise all these many cake plates that are taking over my mom's formal living room!

So here is my little ad on Ruffled!

Its really exciting but I would have probably over looked it in my time of addiction :) Hopefully not the case with all the viewers!

My friend Laurel is/was more of an addict than I was. Here are some of her WedBlog loves: 

This is the same Laurel whose pictures you saw on my Country Wedding Post

A crop of pot? No... Crops in Pots.

April 6, 2011

If you've read my blog at all about every 3rd post I talk about farms and farmers. I thought I should turn all that talking into some action so I decided to plant vegetables and herbs. I told my dad we were going to plant "Crops in Pots." He looked at me weird for a while and said... 

"You are planting a crop of pot?!?"

No, Fluff. Crops IN pots.  Here's our garden so far...

So somehow I fried the cilantro. Im gonna go to HEB later and just buy the herbs and transplant them.
Can't grow it all! We also have tomatoes but they look pretty wimpy.
I've thought about joining a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) its like 800 for 30 weeks of super fresh and in season veggies. Hmmm. If only I had a real job....

Have a great day!

Birthday Palooza!

April 5, 2011

Yesterday was my birthday and I got more presents than I can ever remember getting, I even got a custom chipmunk version of happy birthday sung to me!

Here are some of my gifts... Love them ALL!!!! 

Adobe Illustrator!

Scale! and Blokus on the side there- fun times
game of spacial awareness

a disaster!

Book from my sister about people who are growing eco-friendly 
and sustainable crops!

Egg Crate from Anthropologie via my Sister

Dairy free cook book, Paper Craft book, and the most perfect card ever...
"Lactose is just one of the things I don't tolerate"

RED TOMS! from Rob's mom :)

Thanks everybody :)

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