
Dancin' in the Kitchen

October 27, 2010

I love the days when I enjoy just being at my house getting things done. Its rare to enjoy cleaning but there is a method to it... good ole scream a song and dance around bouncy music. Here are three songs to clean, bounce, drive, and enjoy good weather to: (in order of less favorite to more favorite)

1. Open the all the windows & Sweep the kitchen... instead of watching the video... its out there... but the song will motivate you into movement.

2. Be happy to be in love Music & Clean your closet

3. Get a drink of water and rest- Your house looks great!

Elizabeth & The Catapult - You & Me by Sneakattackmedia

My mother the seamstress...

October 25, 2010

I can remember being little and hearing the sewing machine humming in the background over the sound of my cartoons. I can remember endless trips to hang curtains and her sitting on the couch drawing out pictures of how to construct something new... and then joining me watching cartoons while she pulled out her seams to do again. So... now, however many years later, her sewing curtains has turned into embroidery- much cuter! Here are a couple pictures of her creations: Her site is here!

In the "Chi-Chin Store"

October 22, 2010

Did you ever play mall madness? Well the game couldn't say kitchen so it said "Chi-chin" instead. We've (sister and I) kept saying it since then. That one, and "OOOoooo, long line, try again later!"

Anyway, I'm recently in love with Martha Stewart. Did you know she used to be a model?

... hot.
Anyway in the Sept. Magazine of Living she showed her following her beautiful farm kitchen, that just happens to be the best colors ever: gray and white.

Also I found these Kitchen Canisters @ Target that I would buy if I didn't already have canisters... well... I might anyway...
Have a great weekend...

Design Sponge & My chairs!!

October 21, 2010

You know your chairs were so bad when they make it worthy of a before and after on Design sponge. Now only if Ellen would do the "after" portion to our ugly little kid picture!

Before and After: Upholstered Chairs

October 19, 2010

Well friends, I picked these guys up for $20 on craigslist... but now they look like money in my living room!!!


October 6, 2010

Tune in to the Ellen show today! My sister submitted a picture of us when we are little- and looking our ugliest with ROMPERS that my grandmother made... I think out of curtains.
Its so awful- and SO GOOD!

72 Degrees- A Playlist

October 4, 2010

I know it must be perfect outside if my couch loving weenie dog chooses the grass instead.

Last year, about this time when I realized 72 was the best of the degrees, I made a play list about it... and its so good and timeless you should know about it... Im serious... You wont be disappointed.

1. General Specific- Band of Horses
2. Willie- Cat Powers
3. Funky Bahia - Sergio Mendes
4. Everyday Phil Collins
5. Electric Feel- MGMT
6. The Gospel Song- Magnet
7. 1963- Rachel Yamagata
8. Buildings and Mountains- The Republic Tigers
9. Green Eyes- Coldplay
10. Where are we going? - Marvin Gaye
11. Skinny Love- Bon Iver
12. Catch your Own train- The Bees (U.S.)
13. The Water- Trent Dabbs
14. Forever my Friend- Ray Lamontagne
15. A love Story- Thomas Dybdahl

Can't leave Sam out...
Posing with her favorite ball.

Mid Century Danish Chairs

October 2, 2010

So I have found some jewels on craigslist and at estate sales. I started the oh so fun job of sanding today on the chairs and coffee and it actually revealed some BEAUTIFUL wood underneath the 60's coating! Here's some Before and Before part 2 pics!

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