
Blazing the Trail...

January 31, 2012

When I think of blazers, sometimes I picture Elaine from Seinfeld, or Sue Ellen from Don't Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead, both characters I loved, but their GIANT shoulder pads inside the blazer, was just a tad much. However, shoulder pads, in the early 90's, served their purpose in my life. Whenever I got sleepy in church as kid, I could comfortably rest my head on my mom's shoulder pads (they were included in almost every outfit). THANKS MOM!
Out with the shoulder pads! Blazers have now become a staple in my closet. I can throw one on with almost anything. From skinny jeans to shorts, skirts, dresses, it works! (or at least in my mind it does) It's a perfect go-to item to pull everything together. I'll be honest, rarely am I "pulled together", but throwing one on makes any look feel a little more polished and thoughtful. Even if you've been wearing this trend for a while, try updating it with a fun color or stripes! Your bound to get your money's worth.

1 2 3 4 

What's your go-to blazer style?

BEFORE & AFTER: 60s Coffee Table

January 30, 2012

I found this coffee table on the good ole classy craigslist. It had this yellowish grayish varnish, alot like the midcentury danish chairs did. So I sanded and sanded and sanded and cried cause it needed more sanding and I was starting to hate this project. But I thought it was an interesting piece and I liked the shelf end. 

After I finished crying sanding I finally got to painting. I used satin black for everything but the top that I stained instead. I spray painted the metal end pieces and handles with hammered silver spray paint. (NOTE: always prime metal!) Then I coated it all with Polycrylic.
It turned out alot more glossy than I intended but... oh well! 


Pretty Pretty Princess

January 27, 2012

I don't know about you, but my childhood was spent playing A LOT of games. Thanks to all of our years "playing" Brainquest as kids, Danielle and I are an unbeatable pair when it comes to trivia. I admit that I was a bit of a tom-boy always hanging out with all the neighborhood boys, but there was nothing like a good ole game of Pretty Pretty Princess with the girls. I think this game spurred my love for jewelry at very young age! I wore those little plastic jewels just about every day, and stored them very carefully in my bright pink caboodle! I'm pretty sure those are considered vintage these days...
Images 1, 2

I love thinking about the things I used to love, how some things have changed, and how some things never will. As I was checking out some of runway collections for Spring 2012, I came across these gems, literally, and I couldn't help but be reminded of my favorite childhood game. Tacky or AWESOME?


What was Dolce & Gabbana's inspiration for this Spring collection? Pretty Pretty Princess meets Grandma meets Rainbow Fiesta... I don't hate it!  Check out these funky gemstone necklaces that I would have loved when I was 5, and I still love 'em now!

Clockwise from top left: Dannijo, Tom BinnsShouroukTom Binns

So what do you think....can these colorful sparkly stones be playful and glamourous? My answer is YES and although I may be biased, I think Kendra Scott interpreted this trend spot on this Spring. You be the judge!


"Ad"miration & Inspiration

January 26, 2012

I have been a fan of fitness ads since I saw Helen Hunt and Mel Gibson work on a Nike commercial together in the movie What Women Want. You remember it - Mel Gibson's voice talking about the road and he ends the commercial with "The only thing the road cares about is that you pay it a visit once in a while. Nike. No Games. Just Sports."

Obviously ads are made to inspire us to buy products, but I think there is something extra special about fitness ads because they make me strive for that ultimate moment of achievement where you push yourself to the limit.

Since we are well into the first month of a new year, I wanted to try to re-motivate you on your new year’s goals. My hubby and I started P90X this month (more on that later) and waking up at 5 am isn’t the best, but I know that I have not once regretted doing it.
Seeing some ads surface on Pinterest made me want to share my favorites with you. Confession – I am partial to Nike as in the last couple of years I have become a self-aware Nike apparel snob.

Nike Ad via

Cinoa Rouse via Lululemon Blog

Retro Nike Ad via The Runner’s Shop
Nike Ad

Regret via

Really, what I am saying is use whatever brings you inspiration to get moving. Whether it is putting these words of inspiration on your mirror and seeing them everyday or getting a work-out accountability partner, "just do it."

Danielle R.

Save! The! Date!

January 25, 2012

Next up on your wedding to do list... save the dates, either you love them or you hate them. But what better excuse to take expensive engagement pictures and announce to the world your date of choice? You know your honored guests are on pins and needles waiting to add your special date into their calendars. Okay, well even if that’s not the case, I am still pro-save the dates. Because regardless, in this day in age, people are busy! You can’t just give them 3 months notice to your wedding. Plus, I do think it’s a great way to show your style as a couple.  Here are a few of what I think to be ingenious ideas.
And what did we go with you say? Polaroids!

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4

He died and went to heaven...literally.

January 24, 2012

One of my patients shared an amazing story with me last week. I can't stop thinking about it. I don't typically share personal stories that I get the privilege of hearing at work, because I believe most people are private, and I try to respect that. However, today I'll be bending the rules, because I have to tell you about this sweet little man, who I'll call Randy. He told me a story, and every bit of me feels like I'm suppose to tell it. I tried not to take anything away from it, or add to it. I wanted it to seem like he was telling it to you, the reader.

Randy is about 70 years old. He is an accomplished drummer. He was the drummer for Jerry Jeff Walker and Wayland Jennings at one time. He KNOWS music. He sat down with me on Tuesday for our treatment session and I was listening to his speech initially. Randy has survived 6 strokes!! He has nearly died 3 times from either cardiac arrest, sepsis, severe UTI etc. The man is a walking miracle. IT should be noted that this sweet little man, has neurogenic stuttering, basically he never had an issue with his speech until his stroke. It takes a patient listener to have a conversation with someone who stutters. But this man, most definitely is someone you want to listen to.

Randy told me that 2 weeks ago he died while in his hospital room, 430C.(The same hospital where I work) CRAZINESS!! He said, "I died for 20 minutes. I didn't believe it when I woke up, but Dr. ______, showed me the monitor and that I flat-lined. They were resuscitating me all that time."

Randy went on to describe what happened while he was (for lack of a better word) "dead". He said, "I was sitting on one of those cement benches, like in a garden, the ones they have in cemeteries, and my parents walked up to me. They didn't look a day old, nothing was old up there. Not one dead flower was there, nothing was dead." Randy said he got to see his two sisters that had passed away as well.

At this point in his story, Randy started to cry, and I did too. He went on to say, "Its so green there, there are flowers everywhere, and little paths for you to walk down so you don't step on the flowers. I felt so much love, it felt like I was drawn to it. I got to visit with my parents for awhile, then an angel came up to me and told me, "I'm sorry but you need to go back now, you still have work to do". Randy asked if he could stay just a little longer... but the next thing he knew he was laying in his hospital bed with several nurses around him.

I asked Randy if he knew what "work" he still had left to do, and he said he did. That it involved some kids in his church and taking care of his "woman" because she is on disability, just like he is.

It's exciting to me, to know that an entirely other place exists that is pure joy, light, and love. God does set eternity in the hearts of everyone, because I know there's a part of me that waits in anticipation for going "there", to heaven, because here on earth, it only seems so temporary. After hearing Randy's story, and reading "Heaven is for Real" a couple of months ago, it takes the fear away from actually leaving here, and going there, the best place ever.

Here's the picture that Colton, the 4-year old boy from the book, "Heaven is For Real" says seems to resemble Jesus the most. The painting was done by an 8 year old artist, Akiane Kramarik. She says her paintings are inspired by the holy spirit. She has appeared on World News Tonight, Oprah and CNN. Let's keep in mind she is a child prodigy and painted this piece, called "Prince of Peace", when she was only 8 years old.

What do you think heaven will be like???


My House: The Official Tour (Part 1)

January 23, 2012

After living with my parents for 3 months, we finally sold the Ft.Worth house (praise God!), and we moved into this little jewel. Warning: These pictures look better than the actual house. Warning again: This is the cutest parts of the house... 
it goes down hill in part 2. 

Let's start in the backyard, its HUGE and the dogs love it, plenty of squirrels for chasing.
Also these pictures were taken one morning, this was the actual color outside, lovely. 
Mornings are indeed from Jesus. 

A nook with our Austin in 1887 map, Hunter Trunk, and Ikea pillows!

(somebody forgot to shut the roll top.. crap revealed)

Our previous TV stand now just a buffet

Roll top = hide lots o' crap.

Our Ikea Billy Bookcases are now serving as our "cupboard" due to lack of cabinets.

And now let's draw your attention up to the kitchen ceiling... yes, its a drop ceiling.
Try not to be jealous. 

View of living room from the kitchen...

What is the #1 thing you would change in your house? 

-Danielle G.

Black & Gold

January 20, 2012

Not only is "Black & Gold" a funky awesome song by Sam Sparro, but it also happens to be the best color combination EVER. I am a sucker for all things shiny and sparkly, let's just get that out there. I won't claim to be the next up and coming designer or stylist, but I would like to think I have some type of fashion sense. Once you start working in the "Fashion" industry where your coworkers look like a million bucks everyday, you have to step up your game and not look like a scrub. With that said, black and gold are my go-to colors day in and day out. When it comes to accessories, these are my top picks hands down right now...

No.1: Michele Tahitian Jelly
No.2: Rebecca Minkoff Black Swing Bag
No.3: Michael Kors Wallet Clutch for Apple
No.4: Kendra Scott Danielle Earrings in Black

And now for some black & gold celebrity style...

via 12, 3 

So even though Spring is upon us, there's no doubt that black & gold are season-less colors and you really can't go wrong. Win Win! If you don't believe me, I'll let Gucci's 2012 Spring Collection say the rest.

via Milan Fashion Week

Taco Empanadas

January 19, 2012

Here is a simple, semi-healthy and kid-friendly (sorry don’t have any kids to be critics so I am assuming here) meal. I got the idea from Chef Aaron McCargo’s recent appearance on the Nate Berkus Show where he made Pepperoni-Cheeseburger Turnovers. They looked really good so I tried to come up with a way for them to be a little healthier.

The recipe
Serves: 4
Cook & prep time – approximately 35 minutes

Ingredients –
Tube of pizza dough (I couldn’t find whole grain or I would have used it)
Ground beef meat – 1 lb (I recommend 90% lean, put in a little olive oil so it doesn't dry out when you cook it)
Small can of corn
Small red bell pepper
Small green bell pepper
Olive oil
Taco seasoning
Minced onion (only because I hate cutting up onions so you can use a real one if you want)
Salt and pepper to taste
Directions -
1. Brown hamburger meat in a skillet, season to your liking – I used about a half packet of taco seasoning, a couple teaspoons of minced onion and some shakes of salt and pepper
2. Cut the bell peppers into small pieces – hint, if you have to buy the bell peppers a few days before using them, cut them up and freeze them in baggies so they don’t go bad (also a good idea so you don’t have to take more time on the weekdays when you are in a rush)
3. Sauté the bell peppers in a smaller skillet with olive oil
4. Add the can of drained corn to the ground beef and turn on low
5. Mix the sautéed peppers into the corn and beef skillet and turn heat off
6. Break up the tube of pizza dough into 4 sections. Use a handful of flour and roll the dough in it to make it more manageable. Flatten the dough into a 5-6 inch diameter circle.
7. Put a few spoonfuls of mixture into each circle of dough.
8. Fold the dough over the filling to a semi-circle and pinch the edges with a fork to seal it in good.
9. Use a knife to cut a few small slits into the top of the roll.
10. Bake at 375 for 15 – 20 minutes 
Some suggestions: We dipped ours into a queso because we thought it was a little dry so next time I am going to try using enchilada sauce for the mixture in the middle.
Also, I had about half of the beef and veggies left so I plan on using them tomorrow on a salad to make taco salad - bonus!
The review: The husband gave it 2 ½ stars out of 3! He even said they reminded him of empanadas he ate in Argentina (hence the recipe name).
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