
Things in the Brains

September 18, 2013

My whole life Ive been an observer. Then I went to school about observing and got even crazier about it. So here are some life observations and a collection of good tidbits so I don't forget them:

-In my mind all police men where cowboy hats, but they don't in real life. Even in Texas. Maybe I saw it on a movie. Oh wait... maybe Im thinking of like sherifs. Yep. Woody from toy story.

-When people squinch their eyes at me to "listen closely" there is a 97% chance I will squinch back. I want control of my face but 3% of control is not enough control. But its a real thing in psychology called mirroring. Now I just messed you up for the rest of your life because you will be aware of what your face is doing!

-What does no added MSG mean? Seems sneaky. I looked it up and it means what you would think... there was MSG in one of the ingredients but they didn't add more. Really disappointed because Amy's soups are supposed to be all natural and organic and what not.

- 1 large egg. Why do recipes say this? If you don't get farm eggs, all the eggs are the same size.

-People are way less likely to stick up for themselves in the workplace. Except for me of course. Aint got s*** on me! 

Hers or Hims?

September 10, 2013

This is lingo I picked up from Rob's family. If one of the dogs does something cute... "Aww hers..." Rob does something good, "Oh hims..." So I thought that would be the theme for our very simple version of a gender reveal. Rob and I already knew so the reveal was for our parents... and we let the dogs tell. First they looked like this....

 Then we took them behind a wall and let them go with only one color on...

In case you can't see that blur at the bottom....

Its a HERS!!! Her name is Nora :)

Now for the outtakes.. dog pictures are super difficult.

apparently she doesn't care thats on her head. 

Just give me the 80s

August 14, 2013

and by 80s I mean 80 degrees. I am so sick of being hot. I dreamed the weather channel told me it was 80s all week! And then I went through some dreamworld wardrobe to SNOW! I sat there thinking, I am cold, and I like it.

I really just want fall, and boots, and sweaters, and scarves.

If you want to get lost in an autumn wonderland check out this tumbler page 


August 1, 2013

Way back in the month of January I made a goal list in this blog post.

My goals are 
1) Wedding Invites
2) Prints
3) Take pictures of my before and after rooms and make a "portfolio"
4) Redesign the blog
5) Get my vintage looking guest book just right

Here's how far I got on these: 
No. 1
(note Mr. & Mrs. Nick Miller, love me some New Girl!)


(available at

No. 2

(made while avoiding making prints that would actually sell) 
(all available at

No. 3
(still working on it :/)

No. 4
You're looking at it! 
For a while it looked like this

but I never blogged so I don't think I was feeling it.

No. 5
(I think this is in a closet somewhere) (oops.) Here's what I'm talking about though...
the idea is a guest book that looks like an old/regular book because most guest books I see are ugly.

I would love to see your projects, creative endeavors, & before and afters! Send them to me and Ill put them on the blog :)


July 30, 2013

Apparently the bible says "fear not" & "do not be afraid" around 100x. I get it. I am fearful. Really this looks like anxiety in my life. And any time I have ever opened up about anxiety about a million more people say "me too"

Here are some of my reoccurring irrational fears:

-leaving the pump in my car at the gas station
-toasting a roach in the toaster... once and/or repeatedly
-that anyone near bucky balls is going to swallow them
-cats biting me
-Sunday School 
-someone coming up behind me while I'm washing my face and have soap in my eyes
-angels coming to visit me
-hands grabbing my feet when i get in bed 
(this is an old one, but since i remember I'm sure ill jump to my bed from far away tonight)

Usually, none of these happen. Sometimes Rob comes up behind me while washing my face but he is trained to say "I'm coming" And spiders happen. Satan's pets. And sponges happen, just usually not to me. And no angels thus far, at least that I perceived as angels.

All this to say I am so sick of the energy wasted on being fearful. I have memorized this verse:

"My peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. 
I do not give to you as the world gives
Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor let it be afraid."
John 14:27

After pondering this for a while
1. For him to leave peace with you, you have to be in his presence
2. But he also just gives it, thank God
3. How does the world give? With other motives & temporarily
4. Don't let it?!?!!?! I just ask for peace about a million times a day.

Anyway, thats where I am today.
Peace be with you! 

What day is it?

July 23, 2013

I would start by saying, "Sorry for not posting in so long!" because I know you were just dying to hear from me.. BUT instead I'm going to say "You are so welcome for not posting in so long!" 

This is how life has gone since about February:
Person: Hey Danielle! What are you doing now?
Self: Oh... nothing!
Person:*trying to correct a confused and kinda judgy (understandable) face* 
So like, you are looking for a job?
Self: Uh sure (is that the right answer?), I'm tired of getting hit as a means of living. The non-hitters don't really want to pay me... so... You have any ideas?

And you if you have ideas let me know. Basically, I have learned how to be a stay at home person. Its the hardest job ever. If you have never been alone with your brain for lengthy amounts of time... good, don't do it. I don't mean that. I think its good to try to conquer your mind, only possible in my opinion with prayer and strength from above. I have read some books, taken a lot of walks, had more conversations with my dogs than people, and had a lot of talks with God. 
It hasn't been a fun or easy 6 months but as wise friend of friend said, 
"relationships and life work in cycles, ups and downs in varying lengths of time."

Im feeling like I'm headed toward an up cycle. I changed the blog name... because Sunday Hatch is an old chapter and I want to move forward. So why not my last names? 
I love when people ask what Goates means. 
It means goats
Lucky me, goats are so in right now, I'm so popular. Leffel means Spoon in german so thats that. 
Can you imagine if I hyphenated!? 

Recently, I got this crazy idea to cut my hair off. The last time it was short-ish was 7th grade. 
And that worked out great... 
Sorry if I just made your kid cry. 

Well Im back in blog land. 
Coming up:
1. How far I got on this list.
2. Before and after office and entry
3. The after to this guy

Go on a walk

February 8, 2013

Wake up (It's your creative birthday)

January 7, 2013

Meet Charlie & Lola. 

I found these guys while babysitting (or maybe just watching disney channel in college). Im pretty sure the first episode I saw was "I will NEVER eat a tomato" It was creative and weird and hilarious. Last year sometime I decided I would read Lauren Child's (the author) kid novels (that I also loved) and then finally, I decided to look her up. 

The story goes that she was a drifter, trying a job here and there, never really sticking to anything. She stays at her friends house and wakes up there on her 30th birthday and just cries when she realizes what day it is. She can't believe she's 30 and hasn't figured life out yet. She sat down that day and wrote Clarice Bean, That's me! and now here she is with a tv series and books. She recently adopted a little girl from Mongolia and named her Tuesday.

I feel like this first week of 2013 has been my "30th birthday" except I didn't do anything brilliant. I have needed to re-evaluate ... everything. Its been an ongoing creative direction meeting with myself. 

Things I have decided:

- I have to believe in it, can't be just to make money
- It has be 100%, can't be ok with half way done anything
-- (These are making me tired already)
- Take time to make it right, its worth taking time
- No one is as pushy as I am to myself

- I have to believe in it and it is to make money
- Be choosey with my clients, I have to be right for them and them for me.
- Expect a lot from my clients and parents and hold them to it, if not, were all wasting our time. 
- Pray.

My goals are 
1) Wedding Invites
2) Prints
3) Take pictures of my before and after rooms and make a "portfolio"
4) Redesign the blog
5) Get my vintage looking guest book just right

It doesn't matter if I never "make it" with my creativeness, because it makes me

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