
What day is it?

July 23, 2013

I would start by saying, "Sorry for not posting in so long!" because I know you were just dying to hear from me.. BUT instead I'm going to say "You are so welcome for not posting in so long!" 

This is how life has gone since about February:
Person: Hey Danielle! What are you doing now?
Self: Oh... nothing!
Person:*trying to correct a confused and kinda judgy (understandable) face* 
So like, you are looking for a job?
Self: Uh sure (is that the right answer?), I'm tired of getting hit as a means of living. The non-hitters don't really want to pay me... so... You have any ideas?

And you if you have ideas let me know. Basically, I have learned how to be a stay at home person. Its the hardest job ever. If you have never been alone with your brain for lengthy amounts of time... good, don't do it. I don't mean that. I think its good to try to conquer your mind, only possible in my opinion with prayer and strength from above. I have read some books, taken a lot of walks, had more conversations with my dogs than people, and had a lot of talks with God. 
It hasn't been a fun or easy 6 months but as wise friend of friend said, 
"relationships and life work in cycles, ups and downs in varying lengths of time."

Im feeling like I'm headed toward an up cycle. I changed the blog name... because Sunday Hatch is an old chapter and I want to move forward. So why not my last names? 
I love when people ask what Goates means. 
It means goats
Lucky me, goats are so in right now, I'm so popular. Leffel means Spoon in german so thats that. 
Can you imagine if I hyphenated!? 

Recently, I got this crazy idea to cut my hair off. The last time it was short-ish was 7th grade. 
And that worked out great... 
Sorry if I just made your kid cry. 

Well Im back in blog land. 
Coming up:
1. How far I got on this list.
2. Before and after office and entry
3. The after to this guy

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