
I'm going to be a daddy... now what?

August 30, 2012

There are weeks, this being one of them, where I have no words of wisdom or even words of rambling to share. I could post some random baby things, but I think having an esteemed guest blogger every once in a while is way better. My hubby Steven graciously wrote down his thoughts on becoming a daddy! So hope you enjoy :)
- Danielle R.

As Danielle recently revealed we’re going to have a baby boy, Graeme!  After the excitement of the announcement and celebration with friends and family, I have this really nagging question I have to deal with every day:  "I’m going to be a dad, now what do I do?"  I don’t need to take vitamins (well at least the prenatal kind), I don’t need to gain weight (but all the ice-cream is delicious), and I don’t need a special pillow so that I will sleep on my side.  Being a left brained guy, Danielle bought me a father’s survival guide.  

The perfect book for my male brain. Kind of a “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” for guys. 
This book taught me some very pertinent information:  
  • The baby will not come out looking like the babies on TV, but more like an alien.  Not to worry though he will grow out of it, I just need to make sure he has 10 fingers and toes.  
  • I know how to test his reflexes (you know he has to be ready to play sports) 
  • And most importantly, when he’s old enough, how to read him Sports Illustrated.  

I can’t wait to be a dad, but right now mom gets to do all the work.  Well I do get to paint the nursery, put together the crib, assist in the nesting itch of Danielle with other home projects, and take out the trash …all the time (she has a thing with smells).

Dad to be,

Invitation Time

August 29, 2012

Best feeling ever?? Sending out wedding invitations! Man oh man is that a weight off my shoulders! I'm so excited to cross that off my list. And I am sooo excited about the final turnout of the invites. Our very own Danielle helped to design them. She did an amazing job, I couldn't be happier! They are done in muted tones and with a simple font, as to exemplify the feel and level of elegance of the wedding. Then I tied them all up with twine, and viola, the perfect invitation (or at least I think so!) What do you think?!
And of course my little helper... trying to eat my twine...

Animal Instincts

August 28, 2012

I recently bought this from Anthro on sale, praise Jesus.
I'm so stinking excited to wear this Charlotte Taylor dress I don't know what to do with myself. It hasn't arrived in the mail yet, but when it does I promise I'll post pictures. Hee Haww....that's a donkey noise. You're welcome.

I put a few animal finds together for you to scope out. These pieces are crazy delicious and oh so desirable. What do you think?

1.Cheetah Print Silk Shirt (TopShop) 2. Elephant Resin Link Necklace (J. Crew) 3. Red Country Bird Scarf (Oasis)  4. Singing Parakeet Clutch (Etsy)  5. Damask Elephant iPhone Case (Etsy) 6. Marc Jacobs Sandshell Multicolor Finch Top (Marc Jacobs) 7. The Fox of Life Bag (Oral Kiley)
8. Portland Fox Wool Sweater (Aubin & Wills)  9. Animal 3 Pack Ring (TopShop)  10. Charlotte Taylor Penguin Skirt (Charlotte Taylor-currently unavailable) 11. Fox Slippers (PolyVore)
12. Enameled Elephant Bracelet (J. Crew)

Happy Hunting.


You need to sit down for this...

August 27, 2012

Literally. This is just about sitting. I don't have anything more important to say. I am getting obsessed with finding rugs and furnitures and accessories to finish at least ONE room. I know people say only work on one room at a time but yeah right. I want it all done and no way better to make you want to finish it then destroying everything!

I really want matching chairs to go in front of each window in the living room... so the search has begun. I did buy these (below) recliners from home goods but Rob vetoed the brown. Grr.

$299 each- Home Goods
 Then I checked out TJ Maxx and found these:
$149.00 each - TJ Maxx
Close up of Fabric
While I think the design and fabric would have worked... they were kinda too small and low to the ground... Commence online search! 

Mansfield Beige Club Chair $343.79 Each - Overstock

Chevron Gray Refurbished WingBacks! $1,800 for both on Etsy - in DALLAS

Sussex Beige Linen Club Chair $690.00 for 2 - Overstock
 Only problem with these (in Rob's mind) was that they were all light colored... which I love, but yes they are harder to keep clean... SO finally we settled on this chair! (2 of them)

Malone Charcoal Gray Club Chair $256.00 Each - Overstock

We also purchased this rug from overstock and LOVE it. It is lighter blue than the picture but a great rug for the price! Picture of a finished living room... and painted trim... to come!

Greece Extravaganza

August 24, 2012

Isn't it crazy how you can be planning a trip to one of the most beautiful places on earth and constantly be pulling your hair out over travel arrangements?

Oia, Santorini - via

At the end of September the Mister and I will be flying to Greece for 10 days, four of which will be spent on Santorini island. So much has to be preplanned and pre-thoughtout, it's making my head spin. At the same time, you don't want to lose that "spontaneous traveler" option while you're there. You know, the one that allows you to make last second changes to your itinerary despite ensuing astronomical costs. International travel is so unlike in-country travel, and so much more complicated, you really feel like you're working for your vacation. In addition, we like to make sure we know something about where we're going, so that requires a bit of reading and studying. I hope and pray that once we finally arrive the ambiance, food, and excitement will let all the planning efforts just fade away.

The island stay will be our typical "honeymoon" experience, while the other 6 days are split between a road tour of the Peloponnese and Athens proper. We are big history buffs, and Greece is chock full of history. Along the way we will stop at Ancient Delphi (home of the famous Delphi oracle and in the shadow of Mt. Parnassus), Ancient Olympia (location of the original famous Olympic games), Nafplion (capital of First Hellenic Republic), Mycenae (where famous Lions Gate is preserved, and setting of many ancient myths), Epidaurus (best preserved stadium theatre), Ancient Corinth (where the famous story of Jason & Medea took place, and from which Agamemnon led the Corinthians to participate in the Trojan War dispute over Helen of Troy), and of course, Athens.

Until then, I keep looking at photographs like the one above and telling myself... soon, very soon. 

As always, you can join me the other days of the week at alittleWhitenoise.

What is in a name?

August 23, 2012

Picking out a person's name that they will carry and own up to the rest of his/her life is a daunting and exciting task. Of course the husband and I had some top names for each gender prior to finding out the sex of the baby. However, the husband starting calling our baby a name before we ever found out the gender. So after we did in fact find out it was a boy, the name pretty much stuck.

Who would have thought deciding how to spell a name would be even more stressful than choosing the name. Going with the nontraditional American spelling was something that was very important to the husband while the practical side of me worried about people butchering the pronunciation and misspelling it all the time. I prayed and prayed about this and did the only logical thing, Facebook messaged someone I don't know with that spelling and asked his perspective!

I know this is crazy, but you won't believe the response I got...
Hey Danielle!
Thanks for contacting me.. So chances are it will be butchered from time to time (as mine was), and when he spells his name people will say, "what?! Really?". But I will also say that I love my name.. I like how unique it is, I like that it's spelled differently. I feel that God had intended for me to have a name that sets me apart, and I'm thankful that my parents were obedient to that. Hope this helps!

I mean WOW! How could I turn away from a very obvious answering to my prayer. 

So when our little boy is old enough to understand it, I will share this note with him and show him how God revealed his name to us. 

So his name is...

(pronounced Graham)

You know like the Irish golfer. (it is fun when you say it in an Irish accent as well!)

Graeme McDowell via
 I get to see my little Teddy Graeme tomorrow on our 20 week sonogram! Oh yes we have hit our Bon Jovi moment  - "Whooah, we're half way there ..... Livin' on a prayer."

Danielle R.  

Deep Breaths

August 22, 2012

So I would love to tell you all the updates I've made on the wedding but as life, and wedding planning, goes.. sometimes I just don't have time! I have had to put my fun little DIY projects aside as I figure out the final logistics left for the big day-- arranging timelines, contacts sheets, finalizing the budget.. all that good jazz. So I'm going to share some pictures from my recent trip to Colorado this week. And as I continue to add to my never-ending-list of things to do and crunch more numbers I'm going to remember to breathe, think of the big day.. and if that doesn't work, imagine I'm back in Colorado.
 And a fun little jewel we found somewhere among the Rockys...
Have a wonderful rest of your week!


I Don't Smoke

August 21, 2012

Alright, get ready for some eye candy. I've been crushing on a few pairs of smoking slippers, and I can't seem to stop!!! AHH, I just love these things! I'm hoping this trend stays around for a while because these flats are needed in my wardrobe. They look amazing with so many things and can easily transition from summer to winter. (I'm sooo unbelievably ready for cooler weather) I want a pair!

What's your favorite pair? I'm going with number 3, because those little ballerinas are crazy fun!!

via pinterest

This could go a couple ways...

August 20, 2012

Hey look at this picture below... this could be one of those posts where I do super cute stuff to my pantry like wallpaper the back with super cute Moroccan geometric prints and use magazine holders to hold my soup cans...

 Or it could go like this: Pantry Moths... and their worm babies.
They were even on the ceiling. I didn't want them falling in my hair (see below/ add that to the reuse this bag list target!) I would like to tell you that I cleaned up this mess... but I threw up a lot and cried so my dad came over and did it for me :)
 Had to wash everything and throw out most everything:
 and destroy the kitchen once again.
 But then my mom brought over this thing to make me feel better. Meet O'Malley!
Was going to do a grand picture presentation of my trip and trip guide. But instead just think what you will about these pictures! Ill interject my small thoughts :)
"funky ball of space teats"

"do do a dallop"
I'm so natural/ love that buffet behind me
yeah rob!

Im an ant
"no way am I spitting this stuff out, it tastes like fruit!"

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