
Wake up (It's your creative birthday)

January 7, 2013

Meet Charlie & Lola. 

I found these guys while babysitting (or maybe just watching disney channel in college). Im pretty sure the first episode I saw was "I will NEVER eat a tomato" It was creative and weird and hilarious. Last year sometime I decided I would read Lauren Child's (the author) kid novels (that I also loved) and then finally, I decided to look her up. 

The story goes that she was a drifter, trying a job here and there, never really sticking to anything. She stays at her friends house and wakes up there on her 30th birthday and just cries when she realizes what day it is. She can't believe she's 30 and hasn't figured life out yet. She sat down that day and wrote Clarice Bean, That's me! and now here she is with a tv series and books. She recently adopted a little girl from Mongolia and named her Tuesday.

I feel like this first week of 2013 has been my "30th birthday" except I didn't do anything brilliant. I have needed to re-evaluate ... everything. Its been an ongoing creative direction meeting with myself. 

Things I have decided:

- I have to believe in it, can't be just to make money
- It has be 100%, can't be ok with half way done anything
-- (These are making me tired already)
- Take time to make it right, its worth taking time
- No one is as pushy as I am to myself

- I have to believe in it and it is to make money
- Be choosey with my clients, I have to be right for them and them for me.
- Expect a lot from my clients and parents and hold them to it, if not, were all wasting our time. 
- Pray.

My goals are 
1) Wedding Invites
2) Prints
3) Take pictures of my before and after rooms and make a "portfolio"
4) Redesign the blog
5) Get my vintage looking guest book just right

It doesn't matter if I never "make it" with my creativeness, because it makes me

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