
One step above Charlie Browns Tree

November 30, 2010

Its our first married Christmas and we did it up. Well, we turned on some vince vince guaraldi christmas tunes and strung the lights and hung the stockings, it was a sweet moment. Here's the outcome of the decorating and that branch I dragged across the road:

I made some doggie silhouette (i had to google that word to spell it) stockings and love them. Got the idea here and made them with felt.

And last but not least our little tree:

The festive table

November 23, 2010

So this post is very much related to my last, well, Sam didn't eat any furniture today yet, but poppytalk created a festive table hodge podge and BOOM there's my cake plate! I really love the numbered napkins!
1. Number Napkins by Heather Lins Home
2. Large Wooden Cake Pedestal by Sunday Hatch
3. Evergreen Village, Boxwood Garland and Mistletoe Mini Quilt by Carrie Strine
4. Porcelain Mixed Nuts by Kg and Ab
5. Spout Milk and Sugar by Paige Russell

Good Morning!

November 22, 2010

I love mornings. This morning my sweet husband let me sleep, took the dogs out and the gated them off in the living room and kitchen so they wouldn't come cry at me to get up. So I wake up come into the living room and Sam takes off down the hall.... "That's weird," I think. OH no its not so weird... she's been chewing on the corner of the cushion of my new chairs!!!!!!! I really almost threw up. I was super mad but I feel like its my fault, its been colder and we haven't been outside nearly as much. So my wisdom to you, WALK YOUR DOGS.

On another note, the poppytalk handmade holiday market #2 is up and running and my cake plates are in it along with some other really cool items.

Enjoy your coffee, then go throw the ball with your dog...

The space between "Before and After"

November 16, 2010

I didn't feel like I could post because nothing is complete. Im in the middle of so many projects and going here and there... sometimes even to my actual job! So here are QUICK picture updates of the in between of "before and after" p.s. (This post is for you old danielle!- not me, this is another person :)

Cake Plates in Pieces

Rob's taking the piano apart... to turn it into a bookshelf

Fabric for a chair redo...
Fabric for another chair, with red-orange piping! And under that West Elm bedding I'm taking back, I wasn't in love with it.

Pulled the car over and picked this up from the median, I love people staring out the window at the girl dragging foliage across the road :) Its for pictures I'm about to take for the upcoming holiday market on poppytalk handmade market!
Sam had fun with the outdoor furniture:
Christmas time is here... generally...

Im in the middle of books too! Purpose driven life is supposed to be 40 days... Im on day 39 on day 87. Boundaries is next.
Im even in the middle of killing my plants! Not all the way there but with a little more work... dead.

With all of these things to do and kill, (including finishing this coffee table below) Im going to read some Martha...

Have a good rest of the week. Miss you friends in other states and in this one too :)

Blueberry Red

November 9, 2010

I can't not share these pictures. I guess in places where it actually gets cold, beautiful things happen to the trees. Especially at this blueberry farm!

Pictures from the blog: A Day in the Country

Before and After: Antique Ice Box

November 8, 2010

Well this guy- actually twins- have been sitting in my garage for months! Too funky not to pick up but too quirky to know what to do with them. Then one day it became clear, well, it became very chalky. Chalkboard paint! I haven't ever used it, I can see these in a kids bedroom and what fun to write on your furniture and not get in trouble!!!



In dream land

November 1, 2010

In dream land I have a ranch house... and a horse named rod-stewart for obvious reasons, and Sam and Lola of course because they will live forever.

Also I would like this awesome piece of art to be in my ranch house:
from Dolan Geiman. Awesome. You're invited when it exists.

Ahh.. sweet November

Im so glad its fall, but fall in Texas fakes you out for a while. Like it will be sweater weather one day all day long and you can't believe you finally get to wear your anthropologie sweater... and then the next day it starts out sweater weather and by 2pm you want to jump in a pool. I have a sweater on right now fully knowing the high is 80. Take that weather.

Surely I have talked about a Year of Mornings already (a photo book of two friend's mornings for 365 days). Its so inspiring and makes me look at the beauty of morning time and routines. One morning I was up early and the sun was just peeking out and turning everything pink:

This is not actually wood for fires... as fall, and Rob, would suggest. Its for cake plates! Yep, I'm still going strong selling those things. And exciting news... they are about to be picked up by a store! Can't tell which one yet but its a good one... Here's some new pictures of those:

And we carved pumpkins, that owl lasted about 12 hours before he fell off the "branch"

p.s. Im about to finish a before and after furniture piece... check back soon!

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