
Before and After: Antique Ice Box

November 8, 2010

Well this guy- actually twins- have been sitting in my garage for months! Too funky not to pick up but too quirky to know what to do with them. Then one day it became clear, well, it became very chalky. Chalkboard paint! I haven't ever used it, I can see these in a kids bedroom and what fun to write on your furniture and not get in trouble!!!




  1. Looks great! I love chalkboard paint. I used it on some filing cabinets, and now when my niece comes over I just let her decorate her heart out.

    These ice boxes are so cool! I've never seen them before! I love the hardware.

  2. Way cute! Where did you find the ice box?

  3. I actually have one of these and this post really inspired me, as I too was unsure what to do with it! However, I cannot figure out how you gave your hardware a silver look? Is it silver in the first picture and I can't tell or did you do some sort of finish on it?


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