
Design Sponge & My chairs!!

October 21, 2010

You know your chairs were so bad when they make it worthy of a before and after on Design sponge. Now only if Ellen would do the "after" portion to our ugly little kid picture!


  1. OR the finished result is just so GOOD! Totally well deserved!

  2. Hi! Just saw your darling chairs on design*sponge and clicked on your blog - just to find that you are a Texan who's a Believer! Me too!

    So I wanted to say hello and that your blog is just charming! Now I'm going to go read your post "I'M ON THE ELLEN SHOW!!!"

  3. Don't know if I'm missing something b/c I just came upon this blog and post 3 mo. late. Did you say if you did this yourself? If so, please let me know how. I need to know how to do this and don't have the money for a professional. I looked for your contact but couldn't find it.

  4. Danielle, I stumbled onto your blog because of your amazing Before & After chairs on Design*Sponge! They are adorable. I actually just picked up my own set of yellow stripped crushed velvet chairs that look just like yours, but I am having a hard time finding some great fabric. I was wondering where you picked up your fabric, online store or local?
    Thanks, Kimmi

  5. @Mark and Kimmi
    I found the fabric at Calico Corners... it was a little pricy but i had loved it for years! If y'all have a home fabrics I would try there they have great fabric for great prices!

  6. @Libby

    I didn't do this myself.. Im getting there but not there yet! I have a GREAT and cheap lady here in houston who does it for me


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