
Moose and Bear

May 22, 2012

We have two labs, named Moose and Bear. We adore our dogs, and they are most definitely spoiled! Do I think it's weird that we named our dogs animal names? Nope, but believe me when I tell you that our dogs live up to their names. I'm apologizing in advance for all the pictures I posted, but I have so many dog pictures and really no one to share them with so I'm thinking Dog Week is the perfect time to share!!!

Meet Moose:
Moose is 102 lbs. He is a huge ball of love. The dog has never met a stranger and seriously gets along with EVERYONE.  He loves chasing cats and squirrels. He loves looking out the window and waiting for squirrels. He is the best dog friend I could ever ask for. He comes and sits by me when I'm sad or feeling down. He sleeps at my feet every night. He really likes chewy toys and he loves to eat mail, magnets and anything paper. He will eat any bug that's in the house. All I have to say is "buggy!!" and that bug is done for. He loves to sit at the front door and wait until his dad gets home. He likes family walks but won't step in anything wet. Moose = Loveable

Here is Moose being majestic in his favorite chair...

Watching Mom cook banana pancakes = major drool.

Blue bonnets...We're from Texas ya know....

 Covered in mud right after his bath... He is soo happy....

Waiting for squirrels....

Taking down some tree branches....

Meet Bear: 
Chocolate Lab: 78 lbs. Loves to watch you do everything! He literally studies what you do because the dog is so dang smart. He LOVES chasing birds or any kind of wildlife- on the ground or in the water. Barks at birds when they're up in the trees and loves laying outside in the sunshine. Totally enjoys cuddling next to your armpit/face when you lay down. He outsmarts any other dog I've ever met. He is a certified hunting dog. Birds and duck mostly. Enjoys hunting with dad, taking naps with mom, and loves car trips. He stays right at your heel on all our walks, no leash necessary. Will follow you to the moon and back.
Bear = Loyal. 

Moose and Bear hoping to get a snack....

Snuggling up with dad....

Getting a bird... He looks sad because he's having to hold it in his mouth and can't eat it...

Water training in his scuba suit so he'll stay nice and warm...


Moose and Bear playing when we first got Bear as a puppy...

Cuddle time with Dad...

We hope you love our dogs as much as we do!!



  1. awww your dogs are so smart! I wonder what thats like ;) thanks for sharing your dog babies with us.

  2. I want a smart dog. They are beautiful. Can't believe how shiny their coats are.

  3. awww thank you!! Danielle I LOVED Lola's pictures of watching the fairies...haha so so funny.


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