

September 17, 2012

Good Morning. How was your weekend? Nothing really changed too much at the house... well it did but only half way. Look forward to next week with some stellar kitchen photos. Today Im going to promote myself. It sucks to do cause Im like "Hey, look at me I am so neat!" But here we are. But before I get to that, lets go back in time to year 2005.

I am sitting in class at the health science center, Lubbock, TX. (probably next to Kendall, we are trying to sign sing the JET song "are you gonna be my girl" while not listening to the asian lady who cannot make correct english sounds- trying to teach us phonetics ex. parallel = parararr )

I go home and write in my journal, I don't think I really want to do speech. I need direction Lord.

Graduate with Speech degree 2007
Work in Speech 2007-2008 decide I really don't like speech

Go to Grad School, decide I really don't like behavior stuff either
Graduate with Masters in Behavior Sciences
Get voted by classmates least likely to end up using my degree

Work in behavior for 3 years, cry about it for 3 years

ALL the meanwhile Im doing things like Sunday Hatch, cake plates, photography, learning photoshop and illustrator, learn to blog, learn to write code to make my blog look like I want.. and eventually start making invites.... The whole time I cried about my schooling/career, I have always loved my creative side. Thats really the only thing that kept me going. And now its the thing I want to pursue whole heartedly, mostly because I have to.

I updated my shop button to Paper Therapy Shop, my invite store on Etsy. Here are some invites I am currently liking (and hoping to sell)

My Best Seller
Kitchen Shower
Too early for Xmas?
Not a favorite of people, but I like it 

I really need ideas! My goal is to have at least 100 items in the shop. Mention you saw this post and I will CREATE a digital file just for your party for $8.00 instead of $15.00!


  1. You are a doll! Talented, beautiful, funny, got it all! xoxo

  2. These are incredible! I like the front door/pumpkin one. That's got to be my favorite! Keep up the hard work, they look great!


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