
On to the next project...

November 14, 2012

Happy Wednesday all! As I still seem to be wrapping up wedding tasks (you wouldn't believe what continues to linger after those things... clean and preserve the dress, 'oops' you have a balance here, final returns) the last thing I want to do is put any thought into another wedding. Now don't get me wrong, looking through weddings and pinning ideas is my most beloved hobby, but for now I'm going to focus on a new project. Project-- settle down. I'm beginning to realize, there comes a point in every person's life when small presents don't seem to mean as much any more. Don't get the wrong idea here, I still love getting new boots and candles, but as I'm preparing my Christmas list this year, I seem to have larger things in mind. Should I pick something I can invest in long term... longer than say a new pair of patterned pants anyways (hmm.. come to think of it those do need to be on my list). I've been looking at interior design a lot lately, planning my future house. So since I've never decorated a house before, I thought I'd start from the beginning. I'm torn between a homely, more ecclectic look and a clean cool feel. Here are some of my favorites from a softer simple pallet. 
Love those bar stools
Definitely like the rug
This is just picture perfect... however with a black dog I don't think I can do anything remotely close to white in my house..
Large mirror is a check..
Definitely like the backsplash here and the wide open shelves. I'm going to have to work on my level of cleanliness as I prepare for my future home-- right now I can't image not having doors on my cabinets. But I'm thinking about it... off to a good start!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone... half way through the week!!

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