
Election Day Extravaganza

November 6, 2012

My post today will be short and sweet! If you're reading this and it's past 8:00 AM, know that I have already voted! YAY!
I have every intention of getting up, bright and early in the AM, and standing in line to go vote!
I want to encourage you to do the same. For all of you early voters, high five. Way to not procrastinate like me.  I'll spare you my opinions and views, but the take away message is:

Oh and by the way, a few of my girlfriends are getting together tonight to watch the election. I'm super excited, and I'm going to rock some red, white and blue in some way or another. Here are a few ideas I found.

So get out there, grab your Starbucks, stand in line, and Vote!!!

all images via Pinterest
Evidence I voted this morning!!! Looking hot at 7:15 AM. ow ow!

1 comment:

  1. this may be one of my favorite posts ever :) can't wait to see how you sport your patriotism tonight!


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