
Lotion Potion

February 21, 2012

I've recently moved to a VERY dry climate, and my skin is feeling the wrath of the climate change!! The most important thing any of us wear is our own skin, so we've got to take care of it!
I love yummy smelling perfumes, lotions, soaps, all of it! When I'm shopping for perfumes, candles or lotions, I go as long as possible before I hit the coffee beans for an olfactory cleanse. Anyone with me??
I wanted to share three of my favorite body butters that smell ridiculously yummy. I'm sort of crazy about them all. I've had all three of these for the last two years. They are in my drawer at all times. Depending on the mood I'm in, or what season it is outside, I'm wearing some kind of moisturizer. Did I mention these are all less than 30 bucks? Here's a quick preview!

Origins' Smoothing Souffle Whipped Body Cream, has orange, rosemary, peppermint, spearmint, apricot oil and grape seed oil all mixed in! I put this stuff on after a shower or before bed, and it makes me feel so relaxed. It's not super thick, but it does the job for my skin. Oh and did I mention Origins products are all natural? Yep, they are. If you like fresh minty scents, then check it out here!
No. 2 Smoothing Souffle

MOR's Lychee Flower Body Butter smells divine. I've given this to several of my friends as gifts and they always love it. It almost replaces your perfume, but it's perfect for any occasion. It won't overwhelm your nose, but has subtle notes of powdery florals, green forest woods, and lychee flower of course. Did I mention MOR has beautiful packaging? I'm usually not into that sort of thing, but its so beautiful you can't help but notice! Oh yes, and their bar soaps are gorgeous. Love them. If you like soft floral scents, then check out their body butter here!

No. 3 Lychee Flower Body Butter

Biotherm's Eau D'Energie Perfumed Body Cream is fantastic if your need to get moisturized quick and have it last. Basically, if you're legs look ashy, then you need it. (Side note: Ashy is a term I coined from the awesome African-American girls I ran track with, who constantly complained about their dry skin. Although I am Caucasian, it's still a legit word for nasty, dry legs. )

Back to Biotherm...This stuff makes your legs look pretty delicious especially if you're tan, and wanting to wear shorts or a dress or anything that shows off your stems. This stuff smells fresh and has citrus notes of orange pulp, mandarin, physalis, lemon, apricot pulp and fresh jasmine. Plus it lasts forever! Go here to check it out!

No. 1 Eau D' Energie


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