
Birthing Leotard

October 25, 2012

Another several things marked off the list! 

We went to a child birth class last weekend. We got all of it knocked out in one weekend  (which i highly recommend over having to go for 6 weeks) so we will be ready whenever our little guy is! I can definitely say that I will have the best coach. Steven took his job seriously and I even got back rubs when I was practicing breathing like it was a real contraction. He also kept the mood light by using his photos from his iPhone as my focal point (the pups made a lot of appearances). I can also say that we had the most fun in class. We laughed, a lot! Some of my favorite comments from my coach during the session, “we are going to need to get you a birthing leotard” (as many of the pictures pictured women in leotards for some reason) and after the teacher telling us that during a certain point in labor that is when you may hear your wife use words that she has never used before, Steven’s comment “oh I know what’s coming!” We laughed about what techniques would and wouldn’t work to relax me and how a sudden burst of energy and a weird desire to clean the floor would not give him any indication that I was in labor since I do these things normally. The class definitely helped ease my fears about the whole labor and delivery. I feel like everything is such an unknown for new moms. Here’s to praying for a quick and easy delivery! 

The pictures were better in class because they were actual photos, but you get the idea...
A typical birthing leotard

I also finished collecting all of Graeme’s letters and bought a mattress! Now it is just waiting on a baby.

This weekend we are headed to Ruidoso, NM for a relaxing babymoon get away in the mountains!
Danielle R.


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