
How to Tame an Elk

August 11, 2010

It's been a while! I have been traveling and traveling and now hopefully it will come to a stop. I wanted to share some quick stories and pictures.

Taming an Elk
We were in Steamboat, CO for a week staying at a family friends home. We hiked and ate and sat outside without sweating... and one night... found an elk. This is a giant bronze elk belonging to the nosy old neighbor. My sister hoped up and took a picture...

Meet Danay...
"Danielle, now you get up there!" says my mother. But I know the guy who owns it is definitely looking out the window. Just as I get on, he comes out the front door. Notice my moms eyes glancing over at him. Guilty.

And here is me feeling caught.
The next morning the old man drove by and asked us if we were going to tame the elk today.
"Yes Sir."

My friends are having BABIES!!! Im old for sure.

Other lovely shots:

Can you get a feel for my sister? Ha.


  1. oh how fun! love the elk story....and the crazy sister times! :)


  2. too cute...your sister looks like my kinda girl!


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