
Design Palooza !

July 14, 2010

I am off today to decorate a friends apartment! She is trusting me with money and saying, "Here, furnish and decorate." Its like Christmas. She's very modern, simplistic,- likes straight lines, dark wood, and green accents... thats where I have to start from. If you have any ideas or links to share, please do!!

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  1. awww, sounds like a kid in a candy store:)
    Have fun.

  2. I did! I wish I had pictures but many items are being shipped :)

  3. Wow! I wish my friends asked me to do stuff like that (I just get to help them move instead!)

    I love those vintage books! You should take a look at listing some on my new (FREE) site Right now we'll even give you $5 when you open a store and list 20 items.


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