
Bad Word Sundays and Crockpot Provision

June 19, 2017

If I'm going to say a bad word, its probably on a Sunday morning. It never ceases to amaze me the absolute CLUSTER of trying to get ready for church with two little kids. Sure we wake up in plenty of time, so in the spirit of "rest" I leisurely make coffee just before the kids wake up (just minutes before don't be impressed) and wake them with an excited "are you ready to make new friends at church today!?" or to Perry, "Good morning sugar baby!"

This is our first full Sunday in our new town, and the church (community) is the sanity of our existence so there was no doubt we are going this morning. Sesame Street is shutting down so I rush to make some scrambled eggs. Its too late the baby is hungry ... hangry. Ive "rested" too long. She likes to pull on my clothes because she wants to make sure I can hear all the whining in a physical way too. This really only bothers me in the mornings because pajama pants have elastic waists. I have cooked one too many breakfasts pulling my pants back up. Stress.

We eat breakfast and I think "we should invite your brother and fam for dinner" because I want to be that person that invites people to dinner. Even in corporate, smoked-in, oh-sorry-we-keep-the-poop-diapers-on-the-patio-balcony-till-we-take-them-out apartments. So I rush to make a crockpot (more on this later) meal as fast as I can so we won't be late to church. Stress.

You watch the kids. Ill do this. and that. and gather all the little things we forget we HAVE to get and do on the way out the door. Oh you have to take a shower, that sucks for me. Ill get out the clothes. Where are the bike shorts?! She HAS to have them under her dress. "Just tell her to wear something else." Ha. You tell her. *screaming and gnashing of teeth* Nora is now dressed in jeans and a shirt that matches her purple bow, but wait her pants are "just falling off all the time!" *wailing and tearing of garments* STRESS.

I don't want her to be miserable at church her first day so I find Perry's 18-24 mo bike shorts and squish those chunky 5T legs into them. Boom. I don't know hows she's getting out of them but at least were dressed. I can only find one earring. We discuss (in an argumentative way) about waking up earlier and off we go. yay. so excited. (enter emotionless face emoji here)

Church was lovely, the girls did great. I saw friends from college and their babies. We ate lunch in peace. Took naps. Played with the patio door open in the sunshine, listened to the new John Mayer and Chris Stapleton albums. The girls just played together. And I just watched. REST.

Dinner was tasty. The cousins tried out poking each other, stealing toys and took turns making each other laugh/cry. Cookies, ice cream, wine, laughs, goodnight.

There's a million reasons not to go to church but you just go. And it changes everything when you follow through with a commitment... and walk in obedience.
"Let us not give up meeting together" Hebrews 10:25

Speaking of walking in obedience: This move was a step in what we feel like God was calling us to do. Everything has just worked out y'all. We found a funky (positive and negative connotations) little house in midland, sold our house in Katy in 6 hours for way over asking price, a contractor to begin the day after we closed, have friends who tell you about all the things to sign up for before we even moved and a crockpot.

We moved into a furnished corporate apartment. After going through all the kitchen things I decided I wanted 3 things: Bigger coffee cups, a blender and a crockpot. We decided we could live with tiny coffee cups and no blender but a crockpot was must. So we went to walmart and bought a cheap one. The next day I went to check on our house and there was a package from a sweet friend with two giant coffee cups from a coffee shop in Georgia called the "Dancing Goats Coffee." The day after that the apartment beside us was getting cleaned out. They left in the hall... basically in front of my door... a blender and a crockpot. I asked the lady if they were working and she said "yes, take them." I took the blender and left what would have been my crockpot (had I the patience and spirit to ask for one) for some one else.

I forget sometimes that the Lord cares about little things, but He does. Remember that.


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