
For Your Enjoyment

October 23, 2012

In keeping with the randomness of Danielle's post from yesterday, I too will share a few random things I've recently enjoyed.

1.Love Does by Bob Goff.
Such a flipping incredible book. I could sit here and write 500 words about why I want you to read this book. Instead just take a chance on my recommendation and read it.
A few quotes from Bob himself.

“But the kind of love that God created and demonstrated is a costly one because it involves sacrifice and presence. It's a love that operates more like a sign language rather than being spoken outright."

“I used to want to fix people, but now I just want to be with them.”  

“We leak stuff we love.” 

2. PawPaw Cream
So I've been meaning to tell you about this stuff for awhile. A family friend that lives in Sydney (Australia) sends me this stuff on regular basis, because she's awesome. Thanks Linda!!
So this is my crack. I use it for so many things. It's like fancy, 100% natural Vaseline. I thought it was something  you could only get in Australia, but amazing news flash: you, yes you, can buy it on Amazon. It doesn't look fancy or anything, but some of the best things don't come in clever packaging. They speak for themselves.

3. Brandy Melville USA
I was introduced to this place when I was in Santa Monica back in March. All their stuff is between 15-50 bucks. If you're looking for the "thrown together, boho/I don't give a crap" look (which is my favorite most days) then check out their stuff. My sweet friend sent me one of their shirts for my birthday last week. (similar to this one). I've since worn it approx 6 times in one week. I can't stop. Now I'm currently wanting this one. If you like Urban, you'll enjoy their stuff.

4. Studio Oh Journals
I bought a new Studio Oh journal from Barnes and Noble. I'm pretty particular about journals because I'm left handed and well, things like desks, scissors, notebooks and yard blowers, aren't made for people like me. Finding a functional compromise to products designed for right-handed people is important. The one I bought does the trick.

5. Sweat Pants
I bought new sweat pants. Not from some unknown, super trendy, fun store, but yes from the old stand-by, Victoria Secret, actually it was from PINK. You may ask yourself, but Kendall, don't middle schoolers and high school girls wear that?
Yes, yes they do.
 Before you go on and judge me, I challenge you to try these on. ( I purchased the heather silver color)
I'll confess I had consumed a glass of wine at a friend's house before I decided to hit up a VS shopping spree, so my judgement could have been compromised. But seriously, these are SO SO comfortable. No, I won't wear these anywhere but around my house, but gosh, I love them.


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