
Week 24

September 20, 2012

I cannot believe that I am 2 weeks away from starting the 3rd trimester! The weather has been so beautiful lately that all I have been daydreaming about is taking walks and going to the park with our little boy. I am so anxious to meet him, but I am also enjoying the new feelings that come along with being pregnant. I know it is God's intention for mother's to get to create a bond with their babies before they are even born so I don't want to wish this time away either. Right now I am relish in the fact that it is Pumpkin Spice Latte time at Starbucks and that my belly is growing every day1

Ear of corn (in length 8.5 - 12 in)
little over a pound

Baby Changes (Source:
He gained 4 ounces since last week, his brain is growing, his taste buds are developing, his lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree"

Best Moment this Week
Going to my first prenatal yoga class. It was awesome. I loved being able to learn how to do yoga poses with a bulging belly and meeting other pregnant women. My lower back feels so much better and my arms are sore today which I like :)

Boy! Graeme Alan Runyan

I still feel little flutters, mainly in the evening. No big kicks or punches yet... I am so eager to feel these! I think a couple of weeks ago I felt a subtle one. It is so hard to tell because I just had a cookie and I was wondering if that was me digesting or him telling me MORE!

Food Craving
This week it has been a pizza buffet! My husband and I went to 2 different places in Midland last Friday night only to be disappointed that they didn't have buffets on Friday. So I met some friends at Mr.  Gatti's this week and it was awesome. Sometimes you just need a little bit of every kind of pizza and dessert pizza too! We were astonished to find out that it is $10 for the adult buffet!

I sleep pretty well. I tend to have crazy dreams. I love my sleep and get at least 8 hours a night. I would like some naps in the afternoon, but I don't have time for those. I do find myself going to hard on the weekends and then crashing on the couch. I am still not used to not being able to do everything that I used to.

What I am looking forward to
My 30 week appointment so we can see him again! And feeling him kick and punch :)

Weird emotions, crying more often, being tired and impatient (ok maybe that one isn't new). A growing belly and appetite!

To Do
- paint room
- put together crib
- find a changing table
- find a bookshelf
- find a different letter for his name G R A E M E
- hang up letters and pictures in his room
- find side table
- find awesome toy chest (this wasn't even on my list, it just happened)
- register... one of the things I am looking forward to the most!
- birthing class in Oct. (can't believe it is that soon!)
- get a mattress for his crib
- and a whole host of other things, but the things above are the immediates

Danielle R.

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