
One into Thousands

August 7, 2012

Happy Tuesday friends! Today I'm taking a little fashion break to let you in on something magical that happened.

"Every song you love, every memory you cherish, every moment that has moved you to holy tears has been given to you from the One who has been pursuing you from your first breath in order to win your heart. God's version of flowers and chocolates and candlelight dinners comes in the form of sunsets and falling stars, moonlight on lakes and cricket symphonies; warm wind, swaying trees, lush gardens and fierce devotion." 
-Stasi Eldredge

 The other day I was taking out the garbage, (highlight of my life) and I happened to see this little yellow guy. Right in the middle of the alley with the dead tree limbs, cable wires, and dumpsters; a beautiful sunflower was starring me down with its gorgeous yellow face and I couldn't help but feel like it was a present for me. I grabbed my camera and snapped some pics, I even watered it so it could withstand this ridiculous summer heat. It meant something special to me. Small I know, but believe me it spoke volumes to me. This flower was made to be seen by ME from Him, the father, the creator.  I felt humbled and thankful for this sunflower that was growing in an unexpected place, but the story only gets better.

Here it is; right outside of my back gate

Do you ever see something outside that speaks to you? It can be something big or small, but all around us are God's masterpieces, and sometimes I become numb to all the ways He displays His creativity. I feel like I need to be in Colorado or on a beach to really enjoy creation at its best, but what a false idea that is.

The bottom line is: I'm simply not looking for it.
 I loved being reminded of His beauty in an unexpected place. I was humbled that somehow He cared to remind me of it that day.

A few days later I was driving to Amarillo, not admiring ANYTHING outside because there's mostly dirt fields and farm land. All of the sudden I'm driving next to a HUGE field of sunflowers. It hits me. It's an extravagant, personal, intimate gift for ME from Him.

Here is is
 I was full of awe that something that beautiful was right next to me. God was romancing me, with the volume turned up 100x as compared to the single sunflower in my alley. I knew immediately THIS was for me. No questions asked. 

I pulled over and soaked up the moment because this doesn't happen everyday.
 I SO enjoyed that one small sunflower in my alley, but He wanted ME, yes me, to enjoy walking in an ENTIRE FIELD OF SUNFLOWERS. Thousands of them. One turned into Thousands.
Take a look.

(I tried to edit my iPhone crap video for you, just so you could experience it too)

A few snapshots of my experience:

proof I was there

On my drive home, I thought of a movie Danielle G introduced me to called, Everything Is Illuminated. This scene in particular. Best scene in the movie.

How does God open your heart? How does He reveal Himself to you? Take time to appreciate his work this week. I finally did and it was huge.

"Therefore I am now going to allure her;
I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her." 
(Hos 2:14)



  1. Love it! Thanks for sharing. Makes me want to drive to Amarillo!

  2. Absolutely. My favorite part besides god speaking to you is that you watered it. You're such a sweet soul. Thanks for sharing :)


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