
Taking a breather

February 22, 2012

Like many brides, the wedding process can be extremely overwhelming, especially at the beginning... calling caterers, bands, hotels, venues, etc. The list seems to go on and on. So I'd like to take a little break from the wedding planning, as I think any bride should do from time to time.

Instead, I thought I'd share some thoughts God has been stirring up in my heart lately. Faith. Trust. When life seems to be so overwhelming, when it’s just one thing after another, when you just want an answer to why things happen the way they do—why our loved ones suffer from disease, heartbreak, pain, and most difficult for me, why I can’t just fix it all! I suppose throughout this process, God has made apparent to me that I may have a slight control issue... maybe. And this is His sovereign way of telling my racing heart to calm down and just trust. Because as much as I pray, as much as I cry, as much I get angry, I have yet to find a solution. It is a believer’s test. And the beauty is that although my pattern has been to fail--I am so guilty of letting my fear and my disappointment hinder my prayer life & my faith-- it is only His grace that can allow me to hit the bottom and get back up. And that is ultimately what I am realizing, He is in control.

Beautiful words of wisdom from Beth Moore “Even if you don’t find the answer, you find the Author”. Pray on that for a while. God is good. 

1 comment:

  1. Sophee,

    Great post! I feel like I constantly need reminding of this in my life.


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