I know it must be perfect outside if my couch loving weenie dog chooses the grass instead.
Last year, about this time when I realized 72 was the best of the degrees, I made a play list about it... and its so good and timeless you should know about it... Im serious... You wont be disappointed.
1. General Specific- Band of Horses
2. Willie- Cat Powers
3. Funky Bahia - Sergio Mendes
4. Everyday Phil Collins
5. Electric Feel- MGMT
6. The Gospel Song- Magnet
7. 1963- Rachel Yamagata
8. Buildings and Mountains- The Republic Tigers
9. Green Eyes- Coldplay
10. Where are we going? - Marvin Gaye
11. Skinny Love- Bon Iver
12. Catch your Own train- The Bees (U.S.)
13. The Water- Trent Dabbs
14. Forever my Friend- Ray Lamontagne
15. A love Story- Thomas Dybdahl
Can't leave Sam out...
Posing with her favorite ball.
Sweet baby dogs.